
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A child has been home sick every day since last Tuesday. This kind of stinks! I think M is going back to school tomorrow. There is just one who hasn't got it. Well, dh too, but hopefully he wont. R hasn't had it and she has a Dr. appointment tomorrow so will be out of school in the morning anyway. I hope she doesn't get it.

Anyway, I took R to the ortheopeadic yesterday. We went to John Hopkins as the Dr. there was recommended and it is close. It ends up there is nothing wrong with R... that they don't see a medical reason for her sporatic knee pain and we don't have to worry about it being anything that will get worse or anything. He said I could call it growing pains if I wanted to. :-) OK...

The Dr. we went to is a dwarf (Ok, you can find him now if you want, don't bother...) and he kind of specializes a little in dwarf children and their challanges. I was concerned taking R there as she is above 99% for height and I was concerned that some of her pain could be because of her height and LONG legs. As it ends up, we were seen by the resident first and he is 6'4", just like dh. Don't know why, but I thought it was funny. I guess he wouldn't feel weird dealing with 'tall' complications!

I am happy everything is OK.

We are looking into different middle schools for R.. maybe. We might stay where we are. Anyway, she has to take the IC? test on Sunday to see if she qualifies for the schools. I hope she is looking forward to it. It is a 3 hour test with 2 math fill in the bubble, two reading fill in the bubble and 1 writing section. We are supposed to supply snacks. It seems SO long!!! I hope she can pay attention well enough for that long. I promised her quite the treat (OK , bribed her) if she tries her best for the whole test. I told her I don't care what she gets, but I don't want her doodling and day dreaming during the test. I promised her a trip to Rain Forest Cafe... ugh. :-)

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