
Thursday, September 12, 2002

Here is a pointer to a utility to close the hole. The people on The Screen Savers say this site is reputable. The file to download is 30kbytes. So, it should be pretty quick to download and instal. From what I understand, someone taking advantage of this whole can destroy your system pretty easily.



I am very happy to report that Target does NOT have Christmas stuff up yet. :-)

I might have gotten older, but I have not lost my inablity to deal with stupidity. I joined a duck pin bowling league. It seems pretty cool. The only problem is the stupid rules of the league. For the first 3 days you bowl (9 games), your score does not effect the win/loss at all. You are just given the same score as a absent bowler and your scores go toward your average. You aren't actually bowling in competition till the forth day. The fact that they can't figure out the average retroactively for the first day, like in 10 pin, or maybe even with 1 day of 'practice' bowling is bad enough. But, I found out that everyone else in the league used their old averages for the first day of the league and by the second day of the league they are using brand new averages based on....... just one day of play. If they can get an average based on 1 day of play, why can't I?????????

It was also frustrating that 1/2 the women there couldn't seem to understand me when I was explaining. They kept on saying but we have lots of history for our averages. I told them, you have the history, but I have seen the math and they are not using it for your average. They are ONLY using last week's scores. I even gave examples, and then I gave up and just complained to myself about the stupidity of it all.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

There is a HUGE security hole in Windows XP. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/opinion/story/0,24330,3399049,00.html It also includes a quick way to protect your computer without having to download a 3 day file...

Talking about ridiculous... I was in BJs earlier this week and what do you think they have an entire aisle dedicated to? Yup, Christmas. BLECH, it is the second week of September!!!! Well... they did have 4 feet of Haloween and one box of Chanukah wrapping paper...

They also had an aisle for toys, but I refuse to admit they are Christmas toys and we will ignore the fact that the galileo thermometers are back and the last two times they have been there have been the last two November and Decembers...

They did have one thing in the Christmas aisle that I would have bought Mom if it didn't have red and green velvet on it. :-) It is a music box which is shaped like an old fashioned merry go round. It is very large, umm... maybe 18 inches in diameter and place an assortment of different music. Unfortunetly it places some christmas music and is red and green.

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