
Saturday, July 13, 2002

Blockbuster has a deal this summer. I think it is national. Anyway, you make a optional (though this part they didn't tell me :-) donation to big brothers/big sisters and they give you a card. With this card you can take out one family video at a time for free. As soon as you return that video, you can take out another one. I think if it is overdue you pay something. Anyway as long as you don't take anything else out (good plan on their parts), you can have free videos over the summer.

Boring calm day today... though kids are getting on eachother's nerves. Maybe video or snack time?

Well, since this doesn't seem to be posting, I will add something. My sister just showed me an histerical web site. The Mom here even has a Jewish/NY accent and calls her daughter "Amala". Have I ever heard that???

Friday, July 12, 2002

The air conditioning has not been on in this house for 24 hours. WOW. I think that is the first time in about forever it has been cool enough to do that. It is getting more humid, so we will see if I need to put it on tomorrow.

Don't ever buy SIMCity 3000. There is something in it which takes away our internal clock as soon as you put it on. :-)

Thursday, July 11, 2002

I was sooo angry at Alyssa this morning, she was horrid. I guess there was a reason as when I went into her room (15 minutes late, cause she was up late) at 9:00 this morning she rolled over and kept on whining that she wanted more sleep. I guess she was tired. :-) But, boy, was she horrid. Not listening, crying, not going to the bathroom, not sitting when I put her there, fighting... Well, I finally counted down and threw her in her room and slammed the door. What do you know she had an accident in there (after she complained for 10 minutes that she didn't have to go) and just cried and cried. I got her out, and very coldly told her what she needed to do and helped her do it. The little twerp... she looked at me with the sweetest face and BIG fake smile. She was waiting for me to forgive her.. HA She was just flirting and being sooo cute trying to get me to be sweet to her. I told her not yet, I am still angry. You and I will calm down while you brush your teeth. She smiled and said (through sobs) "I am calm" . We made up before we went downstairs but I didn't forget... :-0 How did she learn to try to manipulate and make people love her so? She learns that stuff so much more easily then my other two.

There was so much I was going to write and now I can't remember.

Matthew is doing very well in camp. When I walked them in today (LATE) Matthew's group was walking out to go in the sprinkler. About three of the kids starting yelling Matthew when they saw him, that sure was nice. He is more 'into' the camp and aware and talkative then he was at school. It is nice to see.

Yesterday, we went to Burger King and then to a near by park, that is why the kids were up late. Well, at BK, Alyssa at 1/2 of a chicken nugget (she is living on air lately) and Rebekah ate 7 ! chicken nuggets and all her fries... but get this... Matthew ate 4 (his)+3 (Alyssa's)+5(I bought more:-) chicken nuggets. The boy ate 12 chicken nuggets and about 1 1/2 packages of fries. He better have a growth spurt coming up. :-)

We will be in NY for a wedding in a couple of weeks (kids will be 'flower children', I will post pictures! :-) and I am really looking forward to going to the beach one day. It is a lot of work, but there are lots of adults there to help. I think all three kids will really like the beach. We are flying back and forth this time. Should be interesting. LOL

Yesterday I bought a SIMS game. It is sooo good, but I have lost some serious time on it already. So far I haven't managed to make a city which makes money, but it is taking longer for me to go broke and the town does grow a little.

I guess I should have saved some of this for another day when I can't think what to type... oh well, bye

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