
Saturday, October 19, 2002

The big news? My Aunt has a new (used :-) heart. She just had the heart transplant on Thursday and on Friday was sitting up and talking!!!! I so prey that she continues to do well.

Mom was here for a few days and it was sooo nice. So relaxing and I got to get her opinion of a paint color I put on a little of the living room wall. I bought 1 quart to try it out. I still am not sure if I love it or not. It is a very nice color but might be too dark for the whole room. I think I have Bill to promise that we will put it up, and if it is too dark, we will buy the next color down on the sheet and paint big diamonds or stripes, or something to lighten it up. I can't wait to get it done, though I know it will take forever.

Everytime Matthew and Alyssa see paint, or see me painting, they start complaining that they want their rooms painted. Matthew wants green, and Alyssa wants purple... bright, primary green and bright barbie purple!! The first time they told us was when we were in Home Depot shopping for the living room paint. Matthew started yelling/screaming/jumping up and down at the front of the store when he realized we weren't buying green paint. People who worked there came up and asked what was wrong!!!! I looked at them smiled, and said he wants his room painted green. One of the people obviously had kids, smiled and walked away. The other, a obvious kid virgin, just stared at us like my kids have horms or something. LOL It has been so long since any of my kids have done that in public (well, except for normal little ones by Alyssa and I just carry her out) that it was kind of amusing. Bill and I just watched him flip. He calmed down eventually. :-) I guess he wasn't ready for the list of other rooms in the house which will be painted before theirs. :-)

Before anyone thinks me mean, they both have very nicely decorated rooms. Matthew is painted blue, and Alyssa's is yellow.... Rebekah's is purple, don't mention it to Alyssa. :-)

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Usually, I leave Rebekah and Alyssa in the house while I go to the corner (we are a corner house, it is just at the street) to pick Matthew up from the bus. The other day, Rebekah came out with me. Usually, I stand near the bus, Matthew comes out and runs to me and hugs me. Well, this other day, I sat on my butt on the grass and Rebekah stood near the bus. Well, Matthew was soooo happy to see Rebekah, he ran to her and gave her such a great hug. Rebekah hugged him back and they both told each other they were so thrilled to see each other. Just warms your heart. :-)

I have bowling again tomorrow. I am not sure if I like it or not. :-) I will definetly finish out this year, but I don't know if I will bowl more. I have been bowling better, and my average is about average for the league... I think. That is kind of sad as this is duck pin bowling and before this league, I had never played duckpin without bumpers in the gutters. :-) Either I am a really quick learner (not likely) or there is a lot of something besides skill involved inthis game. LOL

My mom is staying over and will watch Alyssa tomorrow when I go to bowling. That will be nice as I wont be worried about her after bowling and will be able to run some errends. They have fun together too!

Monday, October 14, 2002

Rebekah is doing absolutely fantastic with Karate! She past her pretest for her second yellow stripe today and will test for it next week. :-) She really looks SO good when she is doing karate. She pays such good attention, moves fluidly and is good. She is so proud of herself too. It is kind of sad what one of the best things about karate is for her. When you do well at karate, you get to move forward and advance, get credit for what you have done and move forward to learn something new. If one was good at a sport, you would be able to get better, practice more, get accilades and special coach or trainer, and go to travel teams to compete with the rest of the best.

Why does schooling have to be so different? If you learn fast at schooling you don't get to move forward or get special training to do better. You get to sit in a class and get yelled at for not behaiving while you wait for the other students to catch up. Jeez, that's special. :-( UGH Rebekah was loving hebrew school. She is very focussed and mature (per the teacher and principal) there. I can only assume it is because she is learning something new. So, what do I hear today? The teacher just told the principal that her class (grade 2) does not know the aleph-bet (hebrew alphabet) and she is going to have to teach it from scratch again. Well, she says there is one child in the class who knows the entire alphabet. Any guesses who the one child is, and who is going to have to sit through learning it AGAIN because the rest of the class never really knew it or forgot it over the summer. :-(

One idea I have been throwing around is to send Rebekah to a day school. This is a really good one in the area. Rebekah would start out behind because they have been having 1/2 hebrew for 2.5 years now. She doesn't know her printed letters and doesn't know the vowels or the vocabulary the students know already. But, I talked to the people at the school and they say it has worked in the past. I went to the open house today and it looked really good. Rebekah could surely catch up, and she wouldn't be non-challenged, that is for sure! Also, she wouldn't have to do after school hebrew school. If only it was free. :-) Who knows, she might not even get in, or there might not be a spot for her. I think I am going to apply and see what happens. If she gets in, then I can decide???????????

I know I haven't written for a long time. I don't even know if anyone ever checks this anymore. If you do, can you drop me a line? thanks. :-)

Sunday, October 13, 2002

Matthew and Rebekah had soccer games today. It is nice to see both of them getting so much better! They certainly aren't stars, but they both have their heads in the game most of the time and actually move and try to get the ball sometimes. They are getting there. :-)

Alyssa so wanted to play soccer today. It was so sad when I said Matthew and Rebekah had to put on their uniforms and she was like, what about mine. :-) Then she remembered that she had a shirt with the number 2 on it and she wanted to wear that. So, we were lucky, it was clean (actually, I would have put it on her filthy!) and she wore her 'soccer shirt' to the games. It will be two whole years before she can play! Poor kid, it is hard being the baby. :-)
Guess who cut her own hair when I wasn't writing before? Ugh... my third child and she has to be the first to write on walls and cut her own hair. I thought I was getting away free. :-) It wasn't as bad as it could have been because she was holding it up to see where she was cutting. She actually angled it at about 2.5 inches. :-) The hairdresser said she had three girls who cut their own hair this week. Ugh

The last time Alyssa was at the hair dresser was July 2001... guess it was time, huh? I can't wait for the front to grow in again. We cut over 3 inches off the back, big difference on a little girl.

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