
Thursday, February 20, 2003

I always let the kids go too long without haircuts. Rebekah and Matthew got haircuts today. Their appointments have been cancelled twice already for different snow storms so it is not my fault that Matthew was ___THIS___ close to needing barrettes. :-) Rebekah got about 5 inches cut off the back and it looks a lot better. Hopefully it wont knot up as much either.

The weather is for warm and rainy this weekend with floods, and then maybe snow on Monday. Crazy or what? I can't get to the drain by the street to clear it... it is just too much. The snow infront of the drain is about 3 feet high and 6 feet wide of heavy plow pushed chunks of ice and slush. Impossible. The best I can do is make sure the discharge pipe for the sump pump is clear...

Well, they made the announcement. Baltimore County schools are closed till Monday. Jeez, If I knew we were going to have a Febuary break I would have gone somewhere. :-) On the other hand, Alyssa has preschool tomorrow. She doesn't seem to think it is fair that only she has to go to school. I try to tell her she is the only one lucky enough to go and play with her friends, but she isn't buying it. :-) Tomorrow is the day she has lunch class too, so she will be there late. I paid for this lunch class so I could go bowling (lame, I know, especially because it is duck pin bowling, but the people are nice), and for one reason or another I haven't been able to go several weeks. Oh well... at least she gets to cook as the lunch class is a cooking class.

So far I have found 1 dinosaur in the melting snow. I guess I should explain that, huh? Matthew, in his infinite wisdom, kept on bringing out play dinosaurs to play in the snow. The first time he lost one he got very upset (he burried it and then couldn't find it to unburry). I told him that if he brings any toys outside, they are likely to get lost till the snow melts. Anyway, I am not sure how many animals and dinosaurs are out there (we have WAY to many, but they get played with). It will be kind of fun finding them. I didn't pick up the one I found, I plan on letting Matthew find it tomorrow.

Talking about tomorrow, I better go to sleep so I can get _2_ kids up and out of the house tomorrow. Rebekah is sleeping at a neighbors house, can you imagine? They were playing there after dinner and they came back and asked if Rebekah could sleep there, cool. It will also be easier to get out of the house (at 9) tomorrow with only the little two. Today Matthew woke up at 9:30 and Alyssa and Rebekah got up at 10... think we will have problems when school starts for all three? Think we have a house of night owls?

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Ooooh, we made it to 27.5" of snow. A new record for the city of Baltimore. I think Owings Mills got a tad more, but really, what does it matter?

It is really hard to type with a 7 year old reading out loud over your shoulder whenever you type a word. LOL She laughs if I spell something wrong or write about her too!

Monday, February 17, 2003

I hope the damage wasn't too extensive! Here is a quote from a local radio station.

Almost an entire side of the B & O Railroad Museum's roof caved in under the weight of the snow last night.


oh boy. So far this is the second biggest snowfall in Baltimore in all time. 23.5" (I think) and it is still snowing. One station says another 3-5 by the time it is done. That would put us very close to the highest snow amount ever. There is so much snow here and it will be in the 40s and raining by the end of the week (don't think we are going back to school soon!). I think instead of singing snow snow snow snow, I will be singing flood, flood, flood flood.

Hopefully this will do something good about our drought as I think we are still officially in one.

Unfortunetly it will be very cold and windy today. That together with the difficult snow amount make it unlikely that my kids will be out for more then 10 minutes... maybe tomorrow it will be warmer but I will probably be by myself. Right now it is 14degrees and wind chill of 0degrees. That with 25" of snow and a 3yo girl who is not much more (if???) 3 feet tall doesn't make for much fun.

OK tomorrow forcast. partly cloudy high in the mid 30s. sounds like a play day! maybe I can convince Bill to stay home? He should be nice a sore from shovelling.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

I am not going to write a lot about this, because I am understand we are making national news, but I have one comment. THIS SNOW IS RIDICULOUS ALREADY! They are talking 2-3 feet of snow total. Jeez!

It is basically too much snow for my kids to play in, plus it was cold today too. It was about 12-13 degrees today. Tomorrow should be warmer, maybe we will try again tomorrow.

For some reason Alyssa is needing a nap again. She hasn't napped for years, but now she is getting cranky most days and falling asleep in the car. Today she even napped in my bed. First I stayed with her in my room trying to get her to stop crying. Then I had to go down stairs to cook and said she could come down when she stopped crying. Then Bill went up to take off his wet, frozen clothes and get dry. She fell asleep why he was there warming up. I think she went straight from crying to sleeping. Weird huh? She is acting sick (or maybe just tired?) but does not have any cold symptoms of fever. Weird. Maybe she just knows she is 3.5?

The other day in Loews she was having a fit because she wanted me ummm.. something I wasn't willing to give her. She did the old sit down on the floor and scream. I pushed the wagon with Matthew in it and continued down the row. Bill looked at me like I had a hole in my head. :-) Alyssa did get up, stop crying and followed me. Nice to have a child where that works. Rebekah(at that age) would just stay there and not worry about me walking away... The joys of a 3.5 yo. I am convinced that until 12 or so, 3.5 is the hardest age to parent. You think they know better and are manipulating you - so you get angry. But really, they are just being kids. I need to remember that. :-)

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