
Friday, December 31, 2004

Last year Nana bought the three kids down Lands End winter coats from Sears. They are VERY warm and still fit. M's coat had a problem with the zipper. It zipped fine but sometimes got stuck and you had to play with it to get it to unzipper. Certainly more than M could do. Stupidly, I didn't do anything about it, it was too long, I didn't have receipts, Sears was too far away, I had bought it in NY. blah blah blah

Well, this year comes around and Nana bugs me ( :-) ) to call lands end and see what they will do. They once gave me a new diaper bag when mine ripped. I told them the bag was old, but they told me it didn't matter and sent me a new one. So, Lands End tells me I have to go through Sears as they don't have any record of the coat and that is where I bought it. I delayed again and Nana bugged again. :-)

I went to sears and waited a LONG time as cashiers talked to each other instead of working. AAAUUURRRGGGG Finally I told me story to a cachier and she said "I really don't know what we can do about this without paperwork" and just looked at me and waited???? I asked her "Can we get someone here who knows what you can do?" How stupid!

The manager came over, A started sitting on the floor saying she had to go to the bathroom, I told her to hold it in. :-0 The manager went over the story for a sec, I made sure to mention the word 'defective', and then he left, mumbling something about being right back? I told the cachier that I would be right back, and took A to the bathroom. When I came back, they had this year's version of M's coat there and I just had to fill out paperwork to get the coat!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!

Thanks you Sears, but I am sure their contract with Lands End says they have to do that. I am sure they wouldn't do it with their own stuff.

This guys site is not for me, but the facts he has here about America's private giving (so far) for the relief fund is impressive! Amazon is up to 110,000 people giving over $7.5 Million. wow I pray it does good.

Google has a list of places you can make donations. Amazon has an easy one click donation to American Red Cross.

Thank G-d for technology getting the word out about this tragedy so all this help can be going there. It is not perfect but it will help. The radio this morning was saying that part of the country had a typhoon in the 80s which killed 100,000 people. :-( So horrible, but we didin't really hear about it. The world is much smaller now.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I am WAY too old to stay up till 3:45. I had two nice size naps the next day and still felt disgusting. Our version of the 4th book, took it out this afternoon, is hard covered. :-( I really like reading soft covered books more. I will give it a shot and if it isn't good I will just take a paperback out of the library. Have to return #3 anyway. :-) I probably wont get too much reading done this weekend, but next week I will!

The break is going OK, I guess. R seems to have a love hate relationship with camp. I think it has to do with hunger and other stuff. Sometimes she is just sensitive to hunger, or lack of protein, or blood sugar... or something. I is painful to watch. M and Alyssa seem to be having a good time. I haven't found as many play dates as I should, but I am taking them places and they really are their own best friends...

I have to run to the grocery and do laundry and get to sleep. Oh, what an exciting life.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

oh man, old, bad habbits die hard. I was up till 3:45 last night finishing up HP 3. I think I will wait a while before stating #4. ***yyyaaawwwwwnnnn*****

I have to say she does a great job not over doing the review of things in previous books. She gets the necessary parts in pretty quickly. One summer I read the Jean Auel series. By The Shelter of the Stone (which was the reason I read the series and was publised many years after the previous book) I was ready to throw up with all the review of the first books which I had just read but she assumed if people had read them, it was 15 years before.

Monday, December 27, 2004

R started Karate camp today. It was her Chanukah present from Nana. So far so good, she LOVED it!

The younger two were such troopers today. I think they had a good time, but boy did we get a lot of errands done.

- Petco they looked at animals (they like reptiles and mice!) , I looked at filter parts (none) and new filter $37

- Toys R Us I returned an extra night of stuff I didn't need and M returned a tape present that we already had and got a DVD

- Bed and Bath I took far too long decided I didn't want to buy bed lifts and a long bed skirt

- Target Returned some stuff, talked WAY too long with a school volunteer/nice person I ran into, bought fun tack.

- Radio Shack talked too long and decided to go back later with more stuff to return, LOOOONG story

- Gas station duuuuh

past fruit stand, getting tired!

- another fish store, 20 minutes away. looked at fish and bought new filter $22, same one as $37 above!

- optician M needs a new pair of glasses with a MUCH stronger prescription, I am told. Whatever 4 clicks mean. :-) Good part of the day, his glasses from 2 years ago still fit and are strong so we don't have to buy new frames, just lenses with polycarb and transion lenses. Saves me $100. A so wants glasses, and she looks cute in them too. I just tell her don't worry, one day you will get some. :-)

came home, I took a nap and kids watched their new DVD. aaaahhh. I know I forgot at least one store, but it doesn't matter.

THen tonight, after dinner, I left the kids with Bill and went to the library, radioshack and target. OH yeah, and the post office I kept on forgetting. LOL NO MORE ERRANDS we need food, but not tomorrow!

What a killer library trip though. Jennifer will love it.
- HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban, finished the 2nd one yesterday and can't find the 3rd in the house????

- Alton Brown's Gear for Your Kitchen

- I'm Just Here for the Food by Alton Brown

- Trading Spaces $100- $1000 Makeovers

I guess, don't expect me to write soon. :-) jk

oh, yes, went to put in new filter and found out the intake tube of the old one was just clogged with algea! Once I cleaned it, it worked! I am considering keeping the new pump as an emergency pump so I don't have to make the trip back and forth. It seems that went I change water in my tank (like yesterday) there is a 50% chance of the filter not working afterwards! I think I need to change the water in the tank more often. The fish store says every 30 days. hahahahahahahahah

good night

Sunday, December 26, 2004

It would be so nice if I went out and bought bagels and cereal. But, you see, it is cold out, I am feeling lazy and I am still in my PJs...

I think I might have the ingredients for french toast upstairs. That would make R happy... but I really feel like a bagel... probably not going to get it. :-)

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