
Saturday, July 19, 2003

Where do almost 4 year olds learn these things?

Bill came home today and sweetheart Alyssa runs up to him... Daddy, Daddy, Daddy (sounds good so far, huh) Can I have (uh oh) a push up pop? Me (from the other room) Alyssa, what did Mommy answer the last 10 times you asked? Daddy: Alyssa, did Mommy already say you can't have a push up pop. Alyssa: No answer.... Duh!!!

Matthew in the car: Alyssa kicked me
Me: Alyssa we don't kick. lecture blah blah blah
Alyssa: I didn't kick, I hit him with my foot


The dentist trip today with Alyssa and Matthew was "not good". Hopefully Rebekah's visit in 3 weeks will be better. At least we didn't have any cavities. They will probably talk braces to me about Rebekah (blech). I hope she doesn't have cavities, she takes medicine every night in chocolate milk and we often forget and she brushes before she finishes. Until recently, I hadn't been thinking that there is a ton of sugar in chocolate milk and we need to brush after she is done. double DUH...

Friday, July 18, 2003

There is a woman from New Zealand on one of my lists. The story about them taxing cattle because of their emissions is 100% true... so funny.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I am putting up some Niagara pictures too. The pointer is on the right.

Some time next week I plan on taking a CD in and making lots of pictures. If you want copies of anything in the two right pointers, or the pointer from July 7th, drop me a line and I will send the copies out to you. This could be fun! I watched someone use the copy machine today and it looks cool.

I think I am going to hit a Walmart or something on the way home from the August wedding and bring pictures right back to the family... the machine can even crop, zoom and remove red eye before printing. kewl...
The pictures are still too large :-(, but you can get to the by the link on the right. Most of the pictures are about 100K, FWIW. I am pretty burned right now, I will get pictures from Niagra Falls up some time. :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I know this is gross, but the kids are LOVING it! It was easy to make and all three could help make it (to different extents). They all have different colors and are making dinosaur footprints in it now. :-) Rebekah said it is half solid and half liquid.. called.... goo.
In case you are curious, the new, thinner, cheaper, more environmentally friendly diet coke cans do not stand up to being frozen in the freezer. The seems let go. :-( Why can't I remember to take the darn things out of the freezer in 15 minutes to drink?

Lynette is on a role, even is her pointer basically says I need a lot of therapy! :-)

Sometime today, I hope to get some pictures of our Canada trip and our Niagra Falls trip up on the web. I have some stollen code, thanks Jennifer, which should make a great way to see the pictures. First I have to find an easy way to make the pictures smaller and get rid of the red eye. Jennifer gets the pictures down to 70K, I think, the way I tried yesterday only goes to 150k or so...

The trip up to Canada was LONG, but not too bad. We started off at 9:00, oops trying for 8 :-). As it was, we woke up Rebekah and Alyssa, sent them to the bathroom and put them in the car in their pajamas. It all went OK, gave them a sort of breakfast in the car, with lemonade (UGH, didn't think to pack a different breakfast drink then the thermos for the drive) and headed out. Rebekah had a bellyache but I figured it was hunger... wrong. About 3/4 an hour into the trip she said she didn't feel good. She really didn't feel good and started coughing. I yelled to Bill to give her a cup and she threw up... a LOT. We stopped and cleaned up and she was fine. Not a wonderful way to start the ride though, and added a lot of time. I felt weird going into an Arby's at 10:00 asking for warm water in a cup and taking loads of napkins. LOL The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful.

We watched ALL of our rented movies! Stuart Little, Thornberry movie, a Pokemon movie and some random scooby doo DVD. Rebekah had control of the remote control. She did a great job, but I swear, if I hear the little extra piece about how mewtwo was created one more time.... AURGH. :-) I did a lot of the driving (control freak much :-) ) and Bill was so funny when he was interested in the movie. The TV was between Bill and me and pointed to the back. Bill couldn't recline his seat or he would block Alyssa. So, he leaned back, snuck his head between his seat and the TV and watched, intently, the children's show. :-) It wasn't until we were almost home, at a Wendy's for a bathroom stop that I got to see a little of Stuart Little. I had heard the darn thing two times and didn't even know they used real cats! I thought the cats were like Stuart Little, make believe. I felt so stupid being the only one not knowing that they used real cats as the 'actors'. That must have been a pain. Like what cat takes direction well?

Rebekah's favorite part of the ride up had to be lunch. We stopped at a KFC which had a buffet. All the fried chicken you could eat. Remember, this kid just barfed up all of breakfast, I wasn't too sure of her eating, but didn't want to stop her, she looked and acted just fine. Anyway, she ate (at least) 3 drumsticks, 1 wing and 1/2 a thigh... extra crispy. LOL We drove an extra hour before dinner to get to this place on the way back but the buffet was shut down already :-(, she was so bummed... oh well, she could just get two pieces.

I never mentioned here, but on Thursday night we went to get out birth certificates, well, MAN!!!, I couldn't find my original birth certificate. It really should have only been in one place, but all that was there was about 10 copies of it. :-( We searched and searched but couldn't find it. So, not wanting to cancel, I brough my birth certificate copy, my original wedding certificate and ss card, my expired passport, my license and whatever else I saw. I hoped we could get into Canada. If I couldn't, I told Bill that we would just spend a weekend vacation in Niagra!!! What do you know, but we much just look like the wholesome American family or something. They asked us 3 questions at the border and never looked at any paperwork.. not even a license!!!! Yeah!!!! Away we go. I was so stressed about that for miles and miles. :-) Every one else at the reunion had to show ID... whatever.... As it worked out, I didn't have to show any ID on the way down either (Bill mumbled and grumbled about lack of security). I don't know if anyone else had to show ID on the way back.

My fingers are cramping :-), I will type about Canada later. But, lets just say there is an accent change over the border even though you aren't going far, and if you are fair enough, you can get a sunburn in Canada. Oh, what fun says the burned one.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I had a great time in Canada! I don't have time to write much now, but that TV/DVD player that we got was worth it's weight in gold! We could drive for 4 hours without stopping... easy... well if we didn't need a bathroom trip. :-) No traffic, quite different then my trips up to NY.

Anyway, I had to drop this pointer off. Thanks Lynette, this is hilarious! Fart tax my... butt.

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