
Saturday, May 18, 2002

Yippeeee, I found the book I couldn't find to return to the library. That removed a $25 charge on my account. That is good. :-) I paid off Rebekah's card and returned 6 books a week early! LOL Of course, I took out 11, so I didn't exactly end up with less library books at home. :-) Now I am the only deadbeat, in the family, to the library. (And no mom, I will not tell you how much I owed :-)

I also found Alyssa's lost sneakers. Are the cosmos with me or what? But.. umm... while searching for the sneakers, I found a sippy cup in the car. It had... ummm.. milk in it. BLECHY I wasn't thinking when I opened it up to pour it down the sink. I was breathing.... YUCK.. Smelly, chunky stuff!

OK, of now to the aquarium store. What an exciting life!
Well... lets see. My hand and foot are fine. :-) Rebekah does have the chicken pox but it is a REAL mild case. She had maybe 12 pox total. But of course, things can't be smooth and I have to jump through hoops. On Wed. I was in the school dropping Matthew off for speech. I talked to the nurse saying I was thinking of sending Rebekah back soon as she didn't have any blisters. We popped Rebekah into the nurses' office and took her shoes and socks off, what do we see but one big CP blister on her foot. UGH The nurse high tailed us out of there... FAST. :-) So, anyway I called our Pediatrician to tell him it was definetly CP (I also found out R was the 3rd in her class and at least the 5th in the school to get it). He was not all that thrilled and said that sometimes the last blisters on the foot don't scab like they should. I told him the school wouldn't let her back in till all the pox scabbed over. He said he would write me a note. (Jeez...) Anyway, we had to shlep to the Drs. again. He looked at Rebekah's foot (it had been a blister for over 2+ days) and said, yup CP. LOL He wrote me a note explaining that she wasn't contagious and could go to school. He also looked at her cheeks. Rash (who the hell knows from what.. no new soap or anything) but unrelated to CP. I said I thought the nurse might make a fuss so he added to the note that it was unrelated. What a pain and a waste of time.

But... there was noone in the office before or after. I think it might have been his paperwork day. Pretty cool of him to have us come in on that day, huh?

Oh yes, Alyssa... :-) When we leave the Dr.'s office we get a choice of stickers. Rebekah chose the dragon, Matthew chose the dragon. Dr. P. was there and gave both of them the stickers. Then as Alyssa was pointing, Dr. P. took a dragon to give to her. She said "NO, that one" and pointed to a truck. Dr. P tried to give the dragon and she said "NO, that one". He laughed and gave her the truck. I said third children are supposed to be followers, right? He smiled and knodded. I said well, not this one. He laughed and said "I see that". He really does like the kids...

We managed to get to all of our activities this week except for one OT on Friday. It is 1/2 hour away and an hour OT. I just didn't know what to do with both Alyssa and Rebekah for that hour... Not the worse thing in the world, we have 26 OT visites through insurance for each year. This just means we can go longer till we run out...

Thanks Jennifer for the pointer, here is a great periodical table. A smaller one would look great at my parents house in front of their 5ft long slide rule on the wall. :-)

The Screen Savers had a great pointer to longbets. It is a "really cool site where a nonprofit organization where people place bets on how society may change in the coming years. Winners gain bragging rights in lieu of the money placed on the bet, which goes to charity." It makes for some really interesting reading.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Lets see about the Mother's Day cards...

The card she gave me had a picture and this story.
I love my red and blue bike. I love my nice dad. I love my funny teacher. I love my hilarious brother. But, I don't love any one (or anything) as much as you! From, Rebekah.


The book had a picture on the cover with Happy Mother's day to Mom and flowers make from plastic petals glued on the paper with paper stems and dirt.

Paragraph #1: ( I think the 1st sentances were given as a starting place)

My mother is special because I love her more than everyone else. She is funny. She always thinks she loves me better. She drives me to hebrew school on Sundays. I always find her strict, but I still love her. My mother is really special.

Paragraph #2:

I like the way my mom kisses me. I also like the way she says "I don't thinks so". She helps me, so I help her. I also like the way she bakes the delicious food. I really love my mom!!

Paragraph #3:

The best thing about my mother is love. I love the way she hugs me. I also love the way she is funny. I love her best. That's the best thing about her.

Then there is another picture. Couldn't you just die? I am so blessed. BTW: last year in Kindergarten I was sooo amazed that she could write a sentance at the end of the year. Now, look at this in 1st grade!!!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

So much to type, so little time.

Who the heck knows what Rebekah has? I sure don't and the Pediatrician sure doesn't! It is viral he said. That was the most definite thing he said. It might be chicken pox, it might be coaxoci (oh, whatever the hand and mouth disease thing is) it might be something else. Jeez, thanks. She certainly feels OK and is not itching. If I look at the dots with crossed eyes, I could say they are getting better. She is not going to school tomorrow, but then we will see.

Matthew has speech and OT at the elementary school tomorrow. Alyssa and I usually go to these therapies with him. Tomorrow I think I am going to park in the school loop, leave Rebekah and Alyssa in the car (!!!!!!!) and run Matthew into speech. The teachers can get him from one class to the other and back to me at the front office. I never realized how much my running around is curtailed if one of us can not be around other people! If Rebekah had to be in bed, it would be even worse.

Alyssa was OHHHHHH so cranky today. At one point I went upstairs to try to do something and when I came down, Alyssa was asleep on the couch. WOW, I guess I know why she was such a pain. (Mom, don't read... I know I am not allowed to say that, so says the Nana)

Oh yes, today Alyssa and Matthew had preschool. Usually I drop Matthew off at carpool and then park and walk Alyssa in. The transition is easier for Matthew with carpool and you HAVE to walk in the 2yo. Well, I didn't want to leave Rebekah in the car and I couldn't bring her in, spotty and all. So, Matthew walked Alyssa in. LOL Their classrooms are right next door to each other. I had Matthew promise to hold Alyssa's hand till they were at her classroom. She probably could do it herself and there are tons of teachers around for carpool...but still, it was VERY cute.

I was late typing today as I just spent the last 2 hours with my foot in a pail of hot water. I have a splinter or something in the bottom of my foot and it hurts.:-( What a baby, huh? Bill and I tried the tweezers, but I don't think it worked. I will see how it feels tomorrow. If it is as bad as it was today, I am going to call the podiatrist. But, how will I do that with 3 children home (afternoon) and contagious child with me? Oh, how fun.

I brought down my Mother's day cards to type in what Rebekah made. It is way too late now, maybe tomorrow. Rebekah gave me a plant (that I paid for :-), a card with a wonderful paragraph, a shadow silloute that the teacher did, and an AMAZING decorated book which has 3 paragraphs in it. Just sooo wonderful. I will type them in later. Matthew gave me a booklet with 26 pages, all decorated with each page being a letter, a picture, and a recipe for something starting with that letter. He also gave me a pin cushion with the base being a decorated tuna can. GOTTA LOVE IT! Alyssa gave me a decorated card and pin in the shape of a heart that she decorated and it was sealed wtih something. Wonderful presents, even though some of the JCC ones are repeats of the older sibling(s). I love the presents SO, but it does make me want to find Rebekah's recipe book and see if any of the recipes are new. Doubt it. :-)

Monday, May 13, 2002

To start with, I have some good news and some bad news... what else is true, huh? :-) The good news first. My hand healed VERY quickly. I guess the burn wasn't that horrible as burns go, but the hand has lots of nerve endings and it hurts like hell when burned. :-P My hand is basically better. The nurse said that the hand has the most nerve endings of any part of the body. I REALLY wanted to snidely say something about thinking a sexual organ had more... but, no, I was too polite!

The bad news? Well, we will know for sure tomorrow, but it looks like Rebekah has the chicken pox! She had the vaccine, but it is not 100%. Usually, kids who get CP after having the vaccine get a pretty mild case. I hope that is what we have. Tomorrow when we wake up, I have to check to see if any of the dots have water blisters. If I see water blisters we go on the assumption that it is CP. I have already bought calamine and other things at CVS. If there are no blisters, or I am not sure, I think we go in to the doc. I will let you know how it goes. The other 2 kids and Bill have had the vaccine. I hope their vaccines work!!! Hmm... I had CP when I was about 12, right Mom? I remember it being a pretty mild case, I sure hope I am imune!!!

Thanks so much for everyone's support about my hand and about AmyG the first. It means a lot! Too bad this month seems to be 'interesting'.

Mother's day was good. I will probably write about it tomorrow. I promised myself I would start going to sleep by 11 and it is not 10:56. ;-)

Night Night

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