
Friday, March 05, 2004

Happy Birthday Mom!!! I SO can't wait to see you next week!

If I don't get to call you till night time, I am still thinking of you and wishing you a happy birthday. Here is why I might not call.

8:00 get Rebekah out with a bag I haven't packed yet, and a lunch I haven't either.
8:45 Matthew at bus stop (bag and lunch not packed yet)
9:00 Alyssa to school with a Purim costume not picked out yet (and bag and lunch too)

9:30 at Matthew's school to volunteer
as soon as possible after, to ALyssa's school for PUrim parade and party... will make whatever I make it to

I am guessing I get out at 11:00, and don't have to pick Alyssa up on tennis day till 2:00. But, I have to

grocery shop
BJs shop
butcher shop, maybe
return stuff to the Mall
buy pants for Matthew, somewhere (So Fun! is closed!!! :-( )
return stuff to Target
put away food and stuff

Call pediatrician about Rebekah's migraines,

Pack snacks for kids before gymnastics, or maybe get money
pack gymnastics clothes (and hair rubberband!)

pick Alyssa up at 2:00
kill 1/2 hour somewhere. (blech)

PIck Rebekah up at 3:00
drive to carpool boy's house, drop him off
drive to Matthew's school pick him up
drive to gymnastics (snack in car)
rush Rebekah and Matthew dressed
sit, wait and keep Alyssa from being obnoxious for 45 minutes
get everyone redressed.
drive home, get home 6:00 and be too tired to make a nice Shabbat dinner
(screw that, I just took out some delicious lamb. I will make a nice dinner! I will buy the challah, but it will be OK)

Call Mom and have the kids and me wish her a happy birthday at 8:00. But, she will probably be having dinner with Marlene, dad and a couple of friends. Call later, late at night and apologize for being so late.


Thursday, March 04, 2004

It has been so warm this week. It is unbelievable. The house across the street always seems to be the first with bulbs and stuff. I noticed this morning that their bulbs are already 3-4" out of the ground! Their azalea also has a touch of color! I hope they don't all die next week when it gets cold again!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Lets see. I went to the Dr. and he gave me a new antibiotic. Of course, today I am feeling better and am ambivalent about starting this new treatment. I will see. Diane, how did your antibiotics work?

The rice pudding came out OK, even though I ended up cooking it much more then the recipe called for. The rice I used was from that great produce store... probably from Turkey, the writing was not in english. I think the rice was a little too short for rice pudding, but hey... as my Mom pointed out this isn't exactly a health food. Milk, cream, sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla.. what could be bad? Luckily, I gave way over 3/4 of the rice pudding to the people at the shivah house. There was just enough left for me to eat and feel guilty about. I did find out that the stuff tastes pretty darn good warm, before it chills in the fridge. :-0

Activities after school are fairly frenetic (is that the word?), but I am getting more used to it. It also helps that Rebekah's homework load seems to be getting a little bit lighter. I had suggested some Moms to tell the teacher/school that their children were spending 2 hours on homework! The teacher truly thought she was giving 1 hour of homework but my child was taking a long time with it. Yes, Rebekah does take a long time, but there was also a lot of homework. I just stopped her at about 2 hours... she could have gone longer some nights. Now, most nights are truly under 1 hour. Definitely do-able! We do delay all project work for the weekends, so she gets Dr. Seuss report, book report and stuff as weekend homework. That is ok, I think, as long as our weeks are calmer.

I have to change gymnastics to Monday from Friday. Friday was nice cause it was a non-homework night. But, it used to get in the way of having a nice Shabbat dinner. If the reduce hw load holds up, I think this schedule will be OK. M-W we have activities. Monday - Gymnastics, Tues. - swimming (lessons for Matthew, free swim Rebekah), and Wed. Karate. They are all good things. Hopefully it will work.

See ya, time to get kidlets to bed.

Monday, March 01, 2004

I wont get to the Dr. till tomorrow at 9:15 and the office seemed to say I was so lucky to get that time. They could have given me today with the NP at 1:15, but then I would have to cancel speech therapy for Alyssa. I want to talk to the Dr. anyway. Lets see if I can stop him from running in, looking at my ears and throat and listening to my back and running away.

I just boiled over cooking rice pudding all over my new stove. :-( I hope it cleans up OK. I tried as best I could as it was steaming hot, but will have to do more later. I wonder how the rice pudding will come out. Some spilled, I will have to stop cooking 1/2 done to run errends and finish later. If it doesn't work out, I will just do it again tonight.. not a big deal, I guess.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Guess what? We are a Neilson family this week. I am still trying to decide if I will tell the truth, or add some shows I really don't want to fail...

I have been 'blessed' with the some day you will have children who do that curse. My 8yo is singing Miss Lucy had a steamboat, Miss Lucy had a bell... over and over and over and over again and again and again... And the most annoying part about it? She has a slightly different version than I grew up with, so it sounds WRONG!!!

The four year old sometimes still goes "fa fa fa fa" or sometimes sings other short annoying things over and over. The six year old sometimes sings "I know a song which gets on everybodies nerves, everybodies nerves, oh, I know......" I am just so blessed. LOL Actually, I enjoy hearing the 6yo sing, when he does cause he so rarely sings. He is so quiet. If I only had him I would think my parenting raised this quite, unassuming, good natured, kind soul. Aaaahhh... but I know better.

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