
Saturday, May 11, 2002

I wasn't going to write but I have to. A good friend from my first job out of school was killed in a car accident. She was the original AmyG and helped me in many ways during that job. Here are some articles about her passing.... The world just lost two great, giving souls.

Article about accident
Article 2
Article 3
Obit in the Globe

May Amy and Rolf rest in peace .

I will not be writing for a while... see

this picture.

Hint: do not try to pick up a pot which was just in the oven when you do not have an oven mitt on... more to come.

Friday, May 10, 2002

I just found out that the BWI to LAX direct flights don't start till Sept. 15. Oh well, I guess I will not be making a California vacation this summer. Those $99 flights do sound good though!

I was going to bring Alyssa to the JCC for tot Shabbat today. But.... she fell asleep in the car! She never does that anymore, weird. She even went 7 hours to NY for Passover and didn't nap. Weird that she would fall asleep before lunch today. I hope she is OK. She still wants me to put her hair up in piggy tales ever day, so cute. Yesterday, she came home from preschool. " My best friend had piggies. Me want piggies." Uh, oh, this one will want to go with peer pressure, I see it now. :-)

I have to decide whether we will strip the wallpaper in the living room this weekend or not. We are going to be renting the steemer, so when we decided to do it, we have to do the whole wall. None of this 10 minutes today and 10 minutes tomorrow for weeks on end like I would normally do. :-0 At least it is only one wall, but it is not regular wallpaper it is a cloth, I hope it comes off easily! Then we will really have to pick a color to paint the room! I guess we want to get this done before it gets too hot outside as the A/C will have to be off and the windows open to paint the room.

Thursday, May 09, 2002

Well, it seems like IE opens .bmp files but netscape doesn't? If you click on the pictures with internet explorer, the pictures will open. I assume with netscape, it will work if you right click on the pointer (Alyssa or Matthew ...) and choose save link as to save the picture to disk. Then you can open the .bmp file from disk. I will figure out how to put something on that netscape can open later... now to get the kids to bed.

BTW: I do not have a clue what AOL will do.. but since AOL is somehow connected to IE, there is a good bet it will be OK.
This is a quick test with far too big pictures. Please don't bother with a dial up line. :-)

Rebekah and Alyssa

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

I think I need to change something. We have been having a wonderful time outside in the afternoon. The last couple of days, I have been out with the two littles when Rebekah comes home and we continue to play outside. We have been playing with some neighborhood kids. But, today we didn't get in till 5:30 and Rebekah just didn't want to do her homework and it was not pleasant. :-( She was especially tired tonight so that might have something to do with it, but I have to decide whether she has to do homework before playing. That is how many other families do it around here...but I know us. Once we get inside it is not always easy to get back out again! Well, tomorrow is Thursday. Assuming some of the problem is lack of sleep, I will push Bill to get home earlier and see if the problem gets better. Otherwise... it is homework first, then PUSH ourselves to get outside... Don't want to waste the best weather of the year!

To everyone I told about the great deals to CA from Southwest , they don't seem to be there right now. :-( Oh well...

I have to sign up Rebekah and Matthew for soccer in the fall. It will be so cute!

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

Guess who should have gone t the Dentist more often? Lets see, last time I went Matthew was nursing so they didn't want to take x-rays. The time before that I was pregnant with Rebekah and wanted to go before I lost my insurance... the dental was pretty good. :-) So, I went to the dentist today (I HATE HAVING SOMEONE"S HANDS IN MY MOUTH) and it wasn't so good. I need to go back 4 more times. yucky, pooey, blechy. Nothing too serious, thankfully. But stuff that needs to be taken care of.

Rebekah asked me today "Mom, in 2003 can we go to Dutch Wonderland AND Legoland"? I said maybe and asked her where legoland was. She told me California. Hmm... there are lots of people I would love to see in California and would love the vacation... but... umm... which lottery am I going to win?

Hmm... we don't have to go to San Diego to go to Legoland. There seems to be one in England (Windsor), Germany and Billund (where ever that is). Boy, jeez, those places would just be so much easier to get to! LOL

I owe the library so much money, I have put myself on an installment plan. :-) Matthew's card doesn't owe anything, so I can still take books out on that one. What a system, huh? Next time I go in the library, Rebekah's card will be clear so I will be the only deadbeat in the family. :-) What a boob of a mistake to make and not return books, huh?

Alyssa just LOVES doing Karate. She is the only one who practices at home whenever I ask. Too bad she can't take Karate for another year. :-)

We had a lovely lunch and playdate today. We played outside with bubbles and on the swingset. Yesterday neighborhood kids came over and they played on the yard looking for bugs and catapillars. They also played in sand pit and swing set. I even brought them out push out popsicles. It was so nice. I love the time of year. I hope the kids continue to play outside. Almost all the kids around here go to school, and after school activities. Or, they go to camp for the whole summer. It is too bad the kids don't get more time to just rome the neighborhood and play with kids. Oh well.. different times, I guess.

Who ever would have thought that speed cup stacking could be a popular gym activity?

This would be sooo cool at a baseball game!

I haven't read this yet, but the FBI investigation of Einstein could be interesting... It is only 1427 pages!!!!!!

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