Friday, April 02, 2004
Hey, Rebekah has a web site...
spring is here even if it is cold, rainy, and might snow on Saturday. The grass is growing (hachooooo) the flowers are budding (haccchhhhhoooooo) the green is coating all the cars (hhhhhaaaaaccchhhhoooo) sure is nice to sniff sniff sniff look at. Rebekah and I now have new prescriptions of reinecort (sp?) nose spray. :-)
I brought in snacks for Rebekah's class today for her birthday. Along with munchkins (donut holes) I brought in mock hamburgers cause it was April fools day, and because hey, why not. They were cool... held together with icing.. nila wafer, chololate mint patty, died green coconut, nilla wafer, honey and seseme seeds. They looked good and were a hit, I hear. Thank you August list!
I introduced my kids to April fools jokes this evening with a "look, hurry, look!!! there is a foot of snow out there!!!" april fools. :-) They all got it. Alyssa especially had a lot of fun calling family members and telling them there was a spider, or something... april fools! All three told one to Bill when he came home. I don't think he thought it was as funny or cute as I did though. It did get tiring in the middle of dinner, and I stopped it. :-)
I will leave you with the second to last sentence that Rebekah wrote in her paragraph tonight...
" I can't be Helen [Keller] because she is dead." I really should save that quote, huh?
Rebekah's party was a great success and I will probably put pictures up, or she will, in a couple of weeks. We will be out of town...
I brought in snacks for Rebekah's class today for her birthday. Along with munchkins (donut holes) I brought in mock hamburgers cause it was April fools day, and because hey, why not. They were cool... held together with icing.. nila wafer, chololate mint patty, died green coconut, nilla wafer, honey and seseme seeds. They looked good and were a hit, I hear. Thank you August list!
I introduced my kids to April fools jokes this evening with a "look, hurry, look!!! there is a foot of snow out there!!!" april fools. :-) They all got it. Alyssa especially had a lot of fun calling family members and telling them there was a spider, or something... april fools! All three told one to Bill when he came home. I don't think he thought it was as funny or cute as I did though. It did get tiring in the middle of dinner, and I stopped it. :-)
I will leave you with the second to last sentence that Rebekah wrote in her paragraph tonight...
" I can't be Helen [Keller] because she is dead." I really should save that quote, huh?
Rebekah's party was a great success and I will probably put pictures up, or she will, in a couple of weeks. We will be out of town...
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Yesterday I saw a gorgeous little, light brown fox in the back yard. It was beautiful but gave me a very sad thought. Does this mean that our neighborhood bunnies are now gone? Can I plant a garden now?
Comments by: YACCS