
Friday, July 26, 2002

There are two things I need right now...

- 3 more computers in the house (yeah, right)

- Much more patience. :-)

Boy, a computer is hard to share sometimes!

We just got back for the eye Doctor for Matthew. He had to have his eyes dilated. Luckly it is very overcast today! He was upset about having to have drops in his eyes but he got over it pretty quickly. Not surprisingly, we need to get him glasses. I am not sure what I should do, but I just ordered the glasses at the optician connected to the pediatric opthamologist place. I could probably get them cheaper somewhere else, but for his first pair I know this place is responsive and responsible. I hope it will be OK. I got the new transition lenses which get darker in the bright light. Hopefully it will be good for Matthew as he is very senstive to the light.

oops, Alyssa just woke up from a mini-nap in the car! bye
Nothing is publishing right now. I will publish as soon as I can.

You want to know how trivial my life has gotten? The best thing today is something that is making me happy. I don't have to pack any lunches. Pitiful or what? Rebekah gets the opportunity to buy lunch on Fridays and Matthew and Alyssa don't have camp on Friday. What a life.

Want to see some more wonderful pictures that Marlene took?

An amazing one of all three together.
All three sitting
Alyssa feeding a goat
Alyssa on a horse
Rebekah on a horse

Rebekah is so funny sometimes. Bill wasn't with us for dinner. I played Bill's message on the answering machine to Rebekah because he said he liked her outgoing message. On the message, Bill said he would be home very late tonight. Then I gave everyone a bath, usually Bill does that, and put them all to bed. Rebekah asked me to cuddle with her, when I said no, she said, well, get Daddy then. Jeez kid... he is at work. Haven't you noticed he hasn't been home for the whole evening? LOL

Thursday, July 25, 2002

Happy 1/2 birthday Michael!

Well, I haven't heard back from the tech support at ea. The guy on the chat was pretty good with the standard questions. I am pretty sure he had a whole bunch of canned responses and most of the answers he could just grab from that list.

Let me back up, when you went in the chat, you type in your question and they give you a number of what number question you are. Then every time this guy answers a question, it quotes the person's name and question number. The first time I asked a question, the tech guy is wizzing through the questions. He skips my number and goes about 5 more before I ask another question of "hey, what happened with number soandso". I wait and he response with I am working on it, please be patient. I wait and then get bored and write a comment, just something interesting (more or less :-) not really a question. Then when he gets to that number, he responds to my comment sounding like he didn't understand my first question. So, I ask it again, get a new number and wait. He skips me again. It was all very frustrating. I finally ask if I could just leave me email. He said yes. I sent the email and then I get a canned response asking for the problem (Aurgh). That was yesterday, haven't heard anything yet... blech.

The one thing I miss about the townhouse is that in the afternoon/evening there were always a bunch of people outside to hang out with. Today was nice and cool and I brought my kids to the court at about 5oclock. All the neighborhood kids were there and several of the parents too. It was great! Rebekah and Alyssa rode bikes. Rebekah actually pet one of the dogs and let it smell/lick her hand!! Matthew, did OK with the brown dog but as soon as the dalmation came out he kept running away from it, getting really upset and I had to hold him. :-( Then Alyssa saw she should be upset :-( and insisted on being picked up too. I am too old and fragile to carry umm...70 lbs of kids. Hey, the two little ones put together weigh more then Rebekah, I think that is new, though I never thought about it before.

Rebekah is really loving Karate camp and has learned an amazing amount of stuff in the 3 days she has been there. She is pretty tired but VERY happy. I think she is happiest when learning new things which she can succeed with. I am nervous that 2nd grade wont be stimulating enough... we will see.

She missed Monday of Karate camp because we were in NY. Hey, I did I tell you we were going to NY for a wedding? It was great. Let me see if I can upload a picture Marlene took. What do you know. After I did a ton of work trying to let my old FTP program upload stuff (the trial had expired, uninstall/reinstall didn't work, I tried regedit but didn't really see anything) and then dowloading a new FTP program, installing and figuring it out. I find out that it is EASY to upload a file or two from netscape or IE... UGH!!! Windows help doesn't give you a clue. Well, at least now I know.

Here is the picture of my kids from the wedding.

Lets see. When we were in NY, Alyssa actually got some time on the computer by herself. You see, Mom has two computers. :-) So, she showed us all that she not only understands the computer, but is fairly proficient at the mouse. She also loves KidPix and since I found it on the 9.99 shelf at compUSA, I bought it for all 3 kids.

Matthew also showed us that he is proficent at the mouse (and the trac ball, two handed). When we got home, I slowed down my mouse and he is pretty good here too. What a mom am I huh? I slowed down my mouse, which I HATE because it is good for my son. Should this torture go in the baby book? :-) He LOVED dogs4 so we got that game, it was also on the 9.99 shelf.

The only problem with this is all 4 of us want to be on the computer. Matthew is having serious tantrums when it is time to get off the computer. So... not computer for today. I don't think there will be time to play tomorrow or Saturday. 3 days away from the computer, if I discuss it right, will that help the tantrums? Maybe

Tomorrow Matthew is going to the Eye Dr. and is going to get his eyes dilated. He is crying already that he doesn't want to go and he doesn't even know about the dilation. Last time it was a simple exam, no dilation. UGH, he is NOT going to like this. I hope he calms down enough to be cooperative. I wonder what I can bring as a treat? A bribe of snowballs or italian ice is a definite after the appointment,but what else? hmmm...

Good night.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

I had wonderful plans to blog today, to get back into it. But, I just spent 45 minutes (at least) on a technical support chat website. For SimCity if you can believe it! UGH

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