
Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Lets see. According to Alyssa, Matthew grew in Daddy's belly because he is a boy, and she grew in my belly because she is a girl. Under absolutely no circumstances would she listen to my explanations... a boy grows in the daddy's belly... period, end of story.

I ended up taking Rebekah skating on Sunday. She met a very nice girl from her class who happened to be there and had a ball! For the first 5 minutes, I was holding her, then she started to get better. By the end, she went around the rink 5 times without falling!!!! She loves it. It was so cute seeing Rebekah and E skating together, holding hands during the couples skate. :-) Rebekah has to be at least 10 inches taller then E. :-) Rebekah loves it so much and wants to go back a lot. I guess I better get used to the songs they play there. At least this place has a better sound system then where the party was. They still do the hokey pokey and limbo. But, since I was little, they have added the chicken dance.

Bill did most of the leaves. There are still maybe 4 or 5 bags left in the back. I don't think he is going to do one side which isn't too bad and hasn't been done yet. Get this though... we didn't count the final count of bags but know for sure there were over 60 bags!!! Amazing. Here is to hoping we don't have as much rain and leaf growth next year.

Matthew is doing so well learning new math and learning how to read. The only problem is I am his counting tool for subtraction. First he takes my hand and pulls up how many fingers are in the problem, then he puts down how many he has to take away and counts how many fingers I have left up. :-) Well, at least I am good for something. I know he is getting it as he is getting faster at counting my fingers :-) and even has some facts internalized.

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