
Thursday, June 13, 2002

The meeting went very well. Deborah Roffman talked, she was very good. I picked up two of her books and if they are anything like her, they should be a fun, easy, informational read. They are _But How'd I Get in There in the First Place_ which is for younger kids (6 and under?) and _Sex and Sensibility the thinking Parent's Guide to Talking Sense About Sex_. It looks like the second book is out of print...

Deborah (widely published on the web as the "Sex Lady :-) ) linked some of the younger sex questions to development. When a 4yo asks where babies come from, they are asking a geography question... They are also asking where other things come from all the time, they really just want to know from the Mommy. :-) When a 5 yo asks How the baby comes out, they are asking a locomotion question... just like they are enthralled with the locomation of big trucks and stuff. :-) Interesting way of looking at it.

I think I am going to have to hide these books till I am ready with Rebekah. She reads what ever she finds and I think I would rather have some children books for her to look out, and not these. ;-)

I told myself I was going to start reading again. I plan to read Jean M. Auel's Earth Children Series. So far I have read _The Clan of the Cave Bear_ and am half the way through _The Valley of Horses. I am really enjoying reading again, but I need new glasses and more time in the day. LOL

Talking about which, good night, I have three kids home tomorrow and lots to do.

I am going to a Child Study meeting tonight. The topic is how to talk to your children about sex... could be some interesting conversation. LOL
Today is the last day of school for Rebekah! But... the girl is not happy. She is very upset because she is going to miss Ms. S.!!! I am sure that is going to change as she gets older and dreams of the last day of school. Kind of sad that that is going to happen...

We went to the pool again yesterday. They didn't have the rope up at the end of the shallow section. It drove me crazy! Matthew still wanted to walk out but I had not guarentee he wouldn't walk till he was under water! I had to be right near him then I was nervous Alyssa would do something. As I told the swim teacher when she was giving me hints of how to teach Rebekah to breath while swimming; I am too busy keeping these two from drowning to teach Rebekah how to swim....

Well, the neighbor just told me that her daughter is ready to babysit. Maybe I will take her to the pool with me next week and have her watch the two little ones at the baby pool. That just might work... it is only money. :-)

Rebekah's camp sent me mail. I need to send in shoes with a heal for horseback riding! Jeez... I think we will go to Payless and see if they have any cheapy shoes she can ruin for 3 weeks of camp. I hope she likes camp. They provide lunch. It sounds like they have a huge assortment to choose from. She will be gone from 8:15 till 4:30!!!!!! If she doesn't eat, she will be HUNGRY!!! I guess I can always throw peanut butter crackers in her bag just in case...

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

I can't believe that swimming is fun with the kids now! It has been so hard the last couple of years. We went to the pool yesturday. I told all three (many times :-) that we were just going for an hour and I didn't want a fuss when we left. It worked and there was nothing negative about our trip. :-)

Rebekah swims all over, but stays close enough to keep me comfortable. Even though Matthew doesn't let his face gets wet, he jumps from the side or stairs like a crazy man and just trusts that he will be caught. It is wonderful play, but my back feels for it today... he is 43 lbs after all. When he dives at you again and again, it adds up. He also walks all the way out to the rope (water up to his chin) and then back by himself. Hopefully he will get his face wet this summer. :-) Alyssa does everything Matthew does, she wouldn't have it any other way. LOL The only difference is she weighs 10lbs less and is easier to catch. Though, she doesn't really understand that Mommy has to be looking at her and ready when she decides to jump at me... we had a couple of scarry catches.

It will be 95 and HUMID today (yuck). If Rebekah's school closes early, maybe we will go to the pool. If it doesn't I have a volunteer tea thing to go to at Rebekah's school at 7 so I don't want to be at the pool late.

Later... I need to run to Matthew's school for next year and drop off some paperwork.

Monday, June 10, 2002

Wow. That girl went on the big potty (with an insert) and made a poop by her self... amazing. It seems like Alyssa is all trained and will be going to camp this summer. I am so relieved. She trained sooo easily, I can't believe it. Both Rebekah and Matthew were horrors to train. Mom helped with Alyssa but she basically did it in two days. I even go out of the house with her in underpants now! She poops and pees in any random potty we find. If it is big, I hold her, but not bad for only 1 week! Yeah!!!!!!

More and more I am learning how much of child rearing has to do with temperment of the child and not what the parent does. I am sure I make a little difference... but I am the same mom and my kids are SO different from each other. I see some parents doing everything wrong and having wonderful kids. Some parents to everything right and have horror children...

Oh well, I just hope I don't screw anything up with the input I do have into their lives. :-)

It is sooo hot outside! Weather bug says 94 degrees. hmmm.. I have to find out is school is closing early. Some of Rebekah's school (luckly not where she is) doesn't have a/c right now because they are fixing it. The problem is the school was built like a warehouse... the inside rooms (1/2 walls, it was originally a very open setup, not it is quassi open) do not have any windows or doors to the outside. They are not allowed fans for safety reasons. Can you imagine how horrible those rooms must be. Sooo unhealthy! Hmmm.. temp just went down to 91, wonder what is up? It is only 1:20 so should probably still be warming up. The forcast still says high of 90 today. LOL Tomorrow is 95. Too hot for even going between a car and something cool, if you ask me!

Now that I think of it, I don't even know how school would end early today. The 1st and 2nd graders are on a field trip which doesn't get back till 2:30 or so. They can't send the busses out twice. Regular bus release is 3:05. I bet the nurses office is very busy!

Rebekah wont have homework today, maybe I will take them all to the pool? It is a lot of work for me, but they love it!

Oops, Alyssa had an accident, gotta go!

Sunday, June 09, 2002

OK, short summary of a really long couple of weeks.

Lets see. Alan and Cathy came down to visit from NH. We had a great time! Cathy usually comes down to visit us over Memorial Day but this year we dragged Alan down too. He was in the middle of a 3 week vacation... oh, what the life. :-) I already shared the pictures Alan took, if I get the time later, I will share some pictures I took. We went down to the inner harbor, we went to a local petting farm. We just had a great time, even if we never did get to go out to a nice restaurant... maybe next time. :-)

Then my Mom came over for 5 days or so. The second day I twisted my ankle REALLY badly at Rebekah's lacrosse game. I had twisted it the week before so it was already weak. Well, I could barely get up and it was very hard and painful to walk. I sat with my leg up during the game and then I couldn't get out of the chair! LOL I finally got up and put Matthew in the stroller as a counter-weight and used the stroller as a walker. Boy, did it hurt and blow up like a balloon. Mom and I ended up that night at Patient First for an X-ray. The Doc said it wasn't broken but I had torn ligaments and it could take 3-4 weeks for it to heal. I tried to explain about having 3 young children but it didn't change his diagnosis. :-) It is still swollen and weak but I am trying to do all that I can on it... maybe too much but I feel better using it. Today I stepped on a hill (did NOT hurt it again) and I could tell that it is still very weak...

Thank goodness my mom was in town as she took care of the kids and me and I just sat there like a blob. She went home on Wed. had a flat on Rt. 95 and then got Alyssa's cold on Thurs. I don't know if she will ever want to come back! :-) This place always gives her work and makes her sick!

Matthew and Alyssa finished school this week. With all the activities at the end of school and normal stuff, this week has been busy. I did my last volunteer day at Rebekeh's school. I had the kids I was working with on logic puzzles present some to the class that they had done. It went well. Before we started, I have Rebekah a hanging plant to give to her teacher. When I left, the teacher gave me a hanging plant from the class as a thank you. It was sooo funny... we are just on the same wavelength. Too bad my other kids wont be having her, they will be going to another school.

Time to meet the kids at the end of another Lacrosse game... talk soon.

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