
Thursday, September 18, 2003

I am a boob. It is a 'snow day' and it is 10:45 and I haven't even given breakfast yet. LOL The kids are having fun playing K'nex.

I cut the front bushes on Tuesday and haven't picked up the clippings yet. If I don't do it SOON, Isabel will take care of it for me and I will be given the bad neighbor of the year award. I guess I should put some food on the table and go out and pick up the clippings. At least the kids are dressed and clean.

Oh, I woke up first today! It was 8:33 and I had to well... I had to get up quickly. Then I put on the TV to see the weather report. M came in at 8:45, Al at 8:55 and R trudged downstairs at almost 10... Aaaahhhhhhh They are all playing very nicely (knock knock knock) right now. Time to make some breakfast.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

School is cancelled for tomorrow. The kids and I get to sleep in! :-) To make that happen, the kids are still running around now at 8:50pm. Guess I should put them to bed at some point... but an extra couple of minutes of sleep in the morning will be good. I will also tell the kids they can watch TV if they want tomorrow morning and will leave some gameboys out. Lets see how long I get to sleep.

The rain isn't even supposed to start till the afternoon and the rest of the tropical storm (maybe) wont be the most powerful till 4 in the morning or so. I was guessing school would be open on Thursday and closed on Friday... guess not. If they are burning two snowdays on this and we have the snowy winter that they predict, we might have to have an extra long year again to make up for it. Oh well, I will just enjoy tomorrow and deal with the rest later...

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Exciting news! The cabinet doors in the kitchen are up! They have been removed, and sanded, and primed, and painted and put back up. What a lot of work! But, the white cabinets (and doors) now look so much better then before! Before we had almond cabinets and fake wood laminate doors. So not nice.

This summer we also painted the walls "Grassland" which is a very muted green and all the doors and trim the same white as the cabinets were painted. Oh, also the ugly box fluorescent lights were replaced with recessed light and my Nanny's (grandmother) Coca Cola light over the table. While the kitchen doesn't look like a new McMansion kitchen, which I would honestly love :-), it does look a LOT better, and makes me happy.

We bought a new range top hood in white to replace the almond one, that should be put up this weekend if we have electricity. :-) The only thing left after that will be the oven and we hope to collect Chanukah money and stuff to buy a new one of that. I can't wait! I thought we would have to replace the fake wood/laminate counter top, but without the fake wood cabinets around it, it doesn't look so bad anymore.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Last week was VERY busy. Every morning I was doing something from the drop off of Alyssa till she was picked up at 12. In addition, I sometimes did more errands with Alyssa after I picked her up. I was still busy Friday and Saturday night getting ready for the parties on Saturday and Sunday. I guess that is what you get when school doesn't start till Tues. morning the week before parties. You wait till you have time alone to do everything but then there is too much because you are behind in everything - regular errands and party stuff. Oh well, it worked out and as my Mom said in the comment, everyone at the parties seemed to have a good time.

The kids actually ate food at both parties. At Matthew's it was good that I had some pizza for the parents because some of the kids wanted second pieces! Amazing what happens when you have a party at what is actually lunch time, the kids are hungry. It didn't hurt that we were in the babysitting room so it was self enclosed away from bowling, other people and the video machines. There weren't was much distractions. Alyssa's party was 10:30 - 12 on Sunday. It was 1 hour of gymnastics then food. It was 11:30 for food and I just didn't feel like ordering pizza that I was pretty sure the 4year olds wouldn't eat and the parents wouldn't be in the mood for it that early. I decided to have bagels and cream cheese and butter. IT was a success. Lots of bagels were eaten, and cake too. I like buying food that people eat, I don't like buying food that gets thrown out enmass. The other option was just cake and no food... but I felt guilty doing that to the parents at 11:30 in the morning. :-)

After my busy weekend, I have a plan for this morning. I sent Rebekah to school in the carpool, brought Matthew to the school bus, dropped Alyssa off at school, got gas for the car (I was below empty), came home, had some soda and got on the computer. :-) My only other plans till 11:50 pick up is to watch TV and MAYBE empty and fill the dish washer. I think I deserve this day, huh?

I do have one activity today, but not bad. Matthew has his birthday lunch today with the teachers. I am going to pick Alyssa up, pick up Burger King (Matthew's request) and go into Matthew's school to have lunch with him and the teachers. Should be OK. Just wondering if there will be enough time after the lunch to bother coming home before picking up Rebekah? We will see.

This whole keeping the downstairs things is good. Usually for weeks after birthday parties there are presents around that we haven't figured out where to put. Well, we (kids too!) cleaned up last night and it looks good. :-) OK, others might not think it is neat, but the floor is clear and everything is in a _reasonable_ place and the house feels good. I like it.

Oh, talking about downstairs. I bought three pillows for the livingroom couch. I had thought of making some, but I found these perfect ones on a major sale at Target. The pillows were $2.52 each, can you imagine. They match PERFECTLY too! I probably should buy more for when these get destroyed!

Bye... time to lie on the couch and watch TV. :-)

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