
Friday, August 01, 2003

My family is so weird.

Matthew and Alyssa were sitting in the front of my car playing. Matthew was in the driver's seat and Alyssa was in the passenger's seat. When asked, they told me that Matthew was the Mommy and Alyssa was the Daddy. I thought about that for a minute and remembered that they call the passenger seat "daddy's seat" when my Mom is over. I think my kids believe that only Mommies drive. :-) They do see Daddy drive on long trips but they think it is quite amusing. I told them "you know, sometimes Daddies drive too". They just looked at me and told me now Alyssa was the baby. ???????

Whatever, they are happy, outside, climbing in the car. No TV on, and no climbing on and bothering Mommy. Life is good.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Do you remember when you used to go to sleepover parties and your mom would say you were cranky the next day? OK, maybe it was just me. :-) But, that is how I feel today. I stayed up late last night and I just have a very short fuse today. I don't feel "tired", I had a 45 minute nap and feel awake, but I am cranky... yup that is it, good and cranky. Basically, I am too old for this.

At least I have finished buying school supplies. Just have to return some overage. Well, I do have zip lock bags left, but I will buy that when I rejoin BJs.

Off to the Bris...

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Lets see if I can remember everything I did when the younger two were in camp.

returned books to library

bought battery for car and had installed

had oil in car changed (different place, different wait)

went to bank got out $$$ for Rebekah's school

Went to Dr. and gave them forms to fill out for Rebekah's school

went to bowling alley and arranged for Matthew's party

went to Target and returned shorts and bought little things with store credit.

went to Rebekah's school gave them forms and money

went back into Rebekah's school and got third grade supply list (OMG)

too late to go to butcher...

went to produce stand. Blueberries are 99 cents for the bigger box!

went and picked up kids. aurgh...

It also seemed like I was running into people I knew in all these places so it took me even longer then it should. I am sure I missed one or two stops in there too.

Tomorrow I am going to try to (at least) go to the butcher and buy some of Rebekah's gear (probably at 3 places...) Among a bunch of other things, Rebekah needs 2 reems of white copy paper. WTF? The school doesn't supply copy paper to the teachers? She also needs a school box, a pencil case for regular studies and a pencil case for hebrew studies. Weird, huh?

There is a bris across the street tomorrow. They are expecting over 70 people!!!! They suggested we show up later when the crowd is letting out. So weird, go to a ritual circumcision but come after the circumcision... I might come late as my kids don't need to see the surgery. I don't either, for that matter. :-)

Three more mornings of the kids in camp... I better get a lot done in this time! This is the last long day of camp for the younger two. I pick them up at 2:30, the other days it is 1:00. GO GO GO...

If I blog while they are at camp, yell at me. I can't believe I have extra time now to blog, pretty cool.

I am going to send in all the forms and money to Rebekah's new school today... hey, what's money anyway. :-0

Monday, July 28, 2003

I know I blogged this last year, but I can't believe the amount of stuff they want you to buy for school! Matthew's class pools all the school stuff so you need to buy for the whole year. No sending in 1 glue and then sending in more when it is gone/empty.

I understand they need a lot of glue sticks... 15... maybe. But if you are using that much glue how about some white glue?

3 boxes of wipes (per kid) for had washing? Come on!!!!! Most of the rooms have a sink in it, and there is a bathroom down the hall. What about washing your hands? Each kid would have to use 3 wipes a day to use these wipes... something is wrong with this! Oh, I just noticed, all the boys need to bring in a bottle of soft soap, so they do plan on washing hands. I just don't get it.

Anyway, what about school sanitary supplies? They have us bringing in tissues, wipes, and soap. I know other schools have the kids bring in paper towels. What will happen next, we have to supply toilet paper? blech.

In my daugher's school the kids need to bring their own glue/crayon and stuff to art with them. Don't you think the art teacher should be able to have a couple of buckets of crayons or markers? blech.

This stuff adds up to real money. I feel good that I have gotten some deals though. White glue for 8 cents a bottle! I had just bought some for 20 cents and didn't need any, but hey, how can you pass up 8 cent glue? The above mentioned glue sticks were a deal too. I like to by the elmers if possible, the other stuff doesn't work well. Anyway, normally, Walmart has the elmers double glue stick for $1.09. I got them for 5 for a $1.00 so for 16 sticks I spent $1.60 instead of $8.72.. makes a difference. I even bought a couple of spiral notebooks even though I didn't need them. Who can pass up 10 cent notebooks?

Tissues, wipes, soap ziploc baggies (2 sizes)... those I couldn't get deals on, oh well. Oh yes, no deals to be found for 16 fat pencils. They only came in packs of 2 so I had to buy 8 packs at almost $1 a piece. There must be lots of people who can't buy all this crap, wonder if they can get an exeption. Heck, what would they do if you don't bring it in? THey have to let you in anyway.

What would you do? School wanted 2 packs of 8 crayons. The 8 pack was 69 cents and the 24 pack was 33 cents. What would you buy?

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