
Saturday, May 04, 2002

Among other stuff today, Bill dropped fertilizer/week killer on the grass. We have had problems finding a time to put it down as it has rained every weekend and many week days. You are not supposed to put this stuff down if it is going to rain within 24 hours. This weekend was supposed to be GORGEOUS. So, what do you know happens when we are driving home from the mall? drip, drip, splat, splat. Bill was SO not happy! Oh well, hopefully the stuff will still work.

Everyone should be Stride Right stock. :-) On Friday I got sneakers for Matthew and sandles (50% off) for him too. Today we got sneakers for Rebekah and dress sandles (50% off) for Alyssa. They are SO cute and she will where them to a wedding in July. I can return them if they don't fit...

Can someone please take all the pollen out of the air? Thanks! sniff, sniff, sniff

Friday, May 03, 2002

Today is a little busy. First of all, life is not good becuase the A/C is broken and Maryland is just a TAD on the humid side right now. blechy :-(

Well, got Rebekah up and out but couldn't find her book report. Bill had cleaned up last night and I couldn't figure out where he put the book report. She did the book report on the second Harry Potter book... jeez. We searched and searched and then ran out with messy hair, brush and rubberband. We were at the bus stop 15 seconds when we heard the bus... not a real good hair day. :-)

Then I got Matthew and Alyssa up, dressed, clean and fed. I also found the book report. Off to bring Matthew to school (9:00) with a View Master for V show and tell and a reminder to use good speaking in school. Off to elementary school to drop off book report. Then to Sacret Heart to try to sign two up for the "best soccer league in the area". Everyone at Sacret Heart was at an off site meeting and all I got was a phone number. Then to the produce stand and supermarket.

I had enough time to read mail and put away groceries before picking Matthew up at 12:00. On carpool line I was informed he had a fall in school, but was OK??? I brought Matthew and Alyssa home but didn't let them out of the car. I got lunch together and we drove 1/2 hour to Matthew's OT. OT is 1-2. We were home at 2:30 (Alyssa fell asleep) till 3:30 when the a/c guy came, Alyssa woke up and Rebekah came home from school all at the same time.

Bill is not home tonight... I am going OUT!!! I do not feel like cooking now. Anyone want to come to Fudruckers with me and 3 kids?

Then I will put them to sleep and go to sleep myself. Our weekend is busy too!

Oh, yes, the A/C guy. It was not the heat pump. (thank G-d, that would be about $4,000) It was only a $170 repair. He also found something else wrong which has been a pain and will see how much it will be to repair. If it is alot, we will just live with it till it gets worse. :-)

Also, my van now has new brakes so I will be able to stop. That is always nice.

Monday, April 29, 2002

Oh yes, I do not have a car today and _I do not like it_.
Hey, does everyone know that Steve (from Blue's Clues) is going away to college? Joe is coming over instead and you can learn all about it on the web! :-) If you don't know what I am talking about, I bet you don't know the names of the pokemons or teletubies either! :-) The web site is kind of funny, they give hints to make the transtion to Joe easier. They are going to have a special night time episode of Blues Clues, tonight at 7, I think.. 6 central???? which introduces Joe. I am sure they will play it during the week too.

We had really bad storms last night. At about 8, Bill and I were upstairs getting bath and stuff ready and the kids were downstairs. Well, we lost electricity and the kids started SCREAMING. I yelled we lost electricity and Bill ran downstairs. I came down saying it's all right, Mommy is coming... like that is going to help. LOL Anyway, the three kids were in the powder room. Well, that is the only room in the house without a window and it was DARK. We found flashlights, we lit candles, we tried to teach kids not to shine flashlights in Mommy and Daddy's eyes. It was fun. We went outside but nobody was there. :-( Street lights were on and it looked like about 8-10 houses were dark. The rest were fine! The kids were OK until we went up to bed. Alyssa tried to put her light on (switch up, switch down, up, down, up, down) Mommy, me light doesn't work! Mommy explains. She tries to turn Rebekah's light on. Mommy, Rebekah's light doesn't work.. I explain again. Then she told me that Matthew's light worked. I tried to explain but she got VERY angy. Matthew's light DOES work, Mommy. Ok, sure, hun, whatever. :-)

They fell asleep pretty quickly except for Rebekah. She was thinking about that I told her that my old house had a well,and if you lost electricity, you lost water. At 10:30 she asks.. "Mommy, in the olden days, if you lost electricity, did you go to Maine to get water?" LOL... she had read a bottle of water which said it came from a stream in Maine... Gotta love it

Electricity came on at 12:30ish and I had a friend call me and wake me up so all was fine... I even got a nice hot shower.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

Lacrosse has been cancelled today... YEA!!!! There is nothing like standing out in a wet field, being rained on, watching 6,7 year old girls cluelessly run around the field. Of course I would have been there and only complained in my head... but this is much better!

Yesterday, Bill planted 3 rhodees. I think they will look nice, but maybe we should have gotten trees instead? Well, these weren't too much money. We still need one more, hopefully we will be able to do that next weekend. While he was planting, I took the kids riding bikes in the court. Everyone did so much better then in the fall! Rebekah is trying to ride FAST and can now start, by herself, easily. Matthew really has the peddling thing down now! He was frustrated as his bad tricycle often spun its wheels and was hard to start. But, once he started, he really got it! Alyssa was practicing peddling forward and backwards and kind of gets it... in a month for sure. The little two understand steering which they really didn't get last year.

After lunch, Matthew and I are going to go out and buy a bicycle for him. How fun! I probably should get a bicycle rack for my van or something. It would be nice to be able to bring these things places now that they are gettig better. Unfortunetly, by neighborhood does not have sidewalks and we live near a hill. Rebekah is probably old enough to ride on some of the streets, but certainly not the other two!

Rebekah told me a story on the way to hebrew school. She said she has two angels, a sleep angel (who helps her fall asleep, sometimes a problem) and a guardian angel. I never discussed the sleep angel to her, sounds like a great idea she thought of.

Anyway, after I asked her if her angels ever helped her, she said yes. Remember that Shabbas night (she said) when you sent me to time out. I talked to G-d and he talked to my angel. Right after that you called me and told me to come out of timeout. Ummm... sure kid.

I have heard her talking to G-d, it is kind of freaky as she has never heard a parent doing that...

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