
Sunday, March 07, 2004

I of course did not get everything done on Friday that I wanted to, oh well. :-) I got the most important done. I got everyone where they were supposed to be. I volunteered in Matthew's class. I stayed in Alyssa's class for a while (longer then planned, but she seemed to like me there... so for once I did). I spent a major amount of money at BJs and some at the produce stand (not on list) and had enough time to buy a Challah at a super market.

If anyone is interested, I now have enough toilet paper for 2 years. Enough ketchup for oh... 18 months?. Enough mac and sleeze, tuna fish, shampoo and lots of other stuff for quite a while. The prices I pay at BJs seem to be similar to the 'big sale' prices at the super market, maybe even a little more sometimes. But, I don't have to sale shop and when I buy it, I don't have to buy again for a long time! I think that is the greatest advantage. Yes, I spent $15 on toilet paper, but I wont have to bother about it for a LONG time.

We went to Purim services last night. Purim is a very non-holy Jewish holiday. It is fun. The kids get dressed up (and some adults too). We read the Megilah (yes the WHOLE MEGILLAH, that is where the phrase comes from) which is the story of Esther. (Here is a shorter version of the story) Matthew and Alyssa wore their Halloween costumes, but Rebekah thought she might be embarrassed. LOL When the Megilah is read, every time the bad guys name (Haman) is said, the people at the service make lots of noise (with groggers, or noise makers) so to drown out the name of the horrible man. :-) The kids had a ball and my ears were ringing at the end. :-)

It is a fun service, often there is a play, or skit either in during the service, or after. This synagogue does it interspersed during the service and they "Purim Speil" group sang lots of Beatles tunes with the words changed just a bit to make them about the Purim story. When Haman was set to be hung, he sang a version of Yesterday (I think it was Yesterday, I was going to kill the Jews, or something like that). At one time they same "Imagine there is no Haman, it isn't hard to try". I am happy we went.

After services, Rebekah went to a sleepover birthday party and had a great time. This morning Matthew's Sunday school was having a Purim Carnival so I went with him. Rebekah was still at the party, and ALyssa was "scared of the costumes" :-P. It was good, and Matthew got lots of prizes. Other bigger synagogues had bigger to dos but I think this smaller one is better for my family. We know many of the people there, the kids are comfortable there and it is not overwhelming.

I remember one purim carnival REAL clearly as a kid. It was 1980 and there my mom and Rita were running the carnival. (I was 14 ) There was a little TV someone set up with in the room, in a corner, which had the Olympics on it. I was watching a little bit of this hockey game and got pulled into it. An amazing game... you know which one... the one which has movie about it right now... USA USA USA USA!!!!!!!!

1 more day on the Nana/Mom count down...

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