
Monday, December 23, 2002

I came home the other night at 10:30 to hear Alyssa screaming her pretty little head off. I went upstairs and Bill was trying to calm her down and cuddle her. She ran to me, sat in my lap and sniffed and hiccuped painfully... UGH. When I tried to get her to tell me what was wrong, it came out as something like "boys can't read books, only girls can read books". Anyone guess what it was? Bill was trying to put them to bed and she, 3yo that she is, decided that only I could read good night books. Well, I wasn't there... therefor we get hysterical and scream for an hour. Makes sense, huh? Seems I have to work on this...

On the other hand, you should have seen her at the beauty parlor the other day. Matthew and I were getting our hair cut. Bill walked in the door to meet us and Alyssa screamed "DADDY" and ran to him with open arms. It was sooo cute, every one in the place looked at her and smiled.

Talking about hair cuts, I got about 3-4 inches cut off the back, I feel like I don't have any hair! I keep putting too much shampoo on when I wash it. LOL

Not only is one cousin getting married in California (we can't wait!), but I just found out her sister is expecting just a couple of months before. Ooooh, I get to hold a baby and watch my 'baby' be all upset. :-)

We will be travelling to see some relatives on Bill's side on Wed. and my family is coming up on Thursday. It should be great, but I guess I should at least scrub the bathrooms before they get here. :-)

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